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◁ 구연산(Citric Acid), 구연산나트륨(Sodium Citrate) 완충용액 계산기 ▷

만들고자 하는 완충용액의


완충용액강도(Buffer Strength)


사용량 산출값

구연산(Citric Acid) %w/v

구연산나트륨(Sodium Citrate) %w/v



◁ Mini-Help for 구연산(Citric Acid), 구연산나트륨(Sodium Citrate) 완충용액 계산기 ▷

구연산(Citric Acid Monohydrate), 구연산나트륨(Sodium Citrate Dihydrate) 완충용액 계산기 사용법

How to use
Type the desired pH into the first cell, and type the intended buffer strength (in millimoles per liter) in the second cell. Press the calculate button, and the approximate percentages of anhydrous citric acid monohydrate and sodium citrate dihydrate will be displayed in %weight/volume. For example, a pH of about 4.0 with a buffer strength of 10 mM is obtained using 0.13% anhydrous citric acid monohydrate and 0.11% sodium citrate dihydrate. The buffer may be made by adding 0.13 g citric acid monohydrate and 0.11 g sodium citrate dihydrate to 100 ml water.

How the calculation works
Using the three pK's of citric acid and the pH, the ratio's of each of the citrate pairs is calculated. For example, the first ionization is given by:

H3Cit --> H+ + H2Cit-

K1 = [H+][H2Cit-] / [H3Cit], or

[H2Cit-] / [H3Cit] = K1 / [H+]

Normalizing the amount of each of the four moieties, their relative amounts are calculated. The molar amounts of citric acid and sodium citrate are derived from the following two equations.

Citric Acid = [H3Cit] + (2/3)[H2Cit-] + (1/3)[HCit2-]

Sodium Citrate = [Cit3-] + (2/3)[HCit2-] + (1/3)[H2Cit-]

Using the molecular weights for citric acid monohydrate and sodium citrate dihydrate (the typical lab forms) together with the buffer strength, the actual percentages are calculated.

The pK's used for citric acid are 3.15, 4.50 and 5.75. It's best to buffer at a pH close to one of the pK's, so use citrate buffers only in the pH range 3-6.

What buffer strength to use? Too low will give a weak, drifting buffer, while too much may negatively affect other desired properties, such as taste. A 10 mM buffer is in general a good starting point.



사이트 정보

회사명 : 코스넷 / 대표 : 전상훈
주소 : 경상북도 예천군 호명면 양지9길 18, 에비뉴시티 211호
사업자 등록번호 : 137-02-38724
전화 : 054-655-7541 팩스 : 0303-3130-7541
통신판매업신고번호 : 2019-경북예천-0108
개인정보관리책임자 : 전상훈


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