▣ CCID 레코드 등록정보 |
ICID 명 INCI Name |
장원기명 장협표준화명 |
알로에베라잎추출물,알로에추출물(09) |
JCID 명 일장원기명 |
アロエベラ葉エキス |
다른이름 (Other Names) |
Aloe Extract(09); |
CAS No. |
85507-69-3; 94349-62-9 |
287-390-8(I); 305-181-2(I) |
미CIR 안전성데이터 |
◈ Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract - 품질관리하면 안전(Safe with qualifications) 안전성 최종보고서: Final Report 06/04 Available from CIR |
원료정의 (Definitions) |
이 원료는 알로에 Aloe barbadensis Miller (Liliaceae)의 잎을 경화유, 유동파라핀, 야자유 또는 이들의 혼합액으로 추출하여 얻은 추출물이다. |
원료유래  (Org. Definitions) |
식물유래(Plant); |
원료수재근거 |
■ Botanicals
In previous editions of the Dictionary, botanical ingredients were identified using two differing conventions. One, preferred by the U.S. FDA, identified the ingredient by common name (where appropriate), or genus and species, and the plant part and type of preparation. The other, accepted in the EU with the publication of its Inventory, used only the genus and species names to identify the botanical ingredient.
To begin harmonizing the botanical nomenclature, the International Nomenclature Committee began assigning genus and species names to all botanicals, and common names were only included in the names proposed for labeling in the U.S., when it was determined that such would assist identification of the ingredient for safety purposes. In addition, a cross reference of common and more specific genus and species names was made available to the dermatology community through CTFA On Call, through the American Contact Dermatitis Society, and to the public through the CTFA Web site at http://www.ctfa.org. At the same time, the European industry began adding the plant part and type of preparation information used in the U.S. to its listing of botanical ingredients for the first update of its Inventory.
Since the first update of the EU Inventory was published by the EU Commission on February 9, 2006, (Commission Decision 2006/257/EC), the editors have removed the genus and species only names for botanicals since the tenth edition of the Dictionary. The number of botanical ingredients in the initial EU Inventory was limited to about 150, and it is hoped that any Member State finding one of these botanicals listed with the additional information, before formal adoption of the first update, will forgo any regulatory action. However, the user is directed to contact his European National Association, or Colipa the European Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Perfumery Association, to ascertain the latest status of the first update of the Inventory, before deciding on the use of the botanical nomenclature provided in this edition.
Note: (EU) must not be used on finished product labels as part of the INCI name.
화학종 |
생물학적 생산품류(Biological Products); |
작용기능 |
외부 진통제(External Analgesics); 보습제(Humectants); 구강 케어 제(Oral Care Agents); 스킨-컨디셔닝제-유연제(Skin-Conditioning Agents - Emollient); 스킨-컨디셔닝제-복합작용(Skin-Conditioning Agents - Miscellaneous); |
적용제품군 |
메이크업 제품류 - 립스틱(Lipsticks); 의약외품 - 산화형 염모제, 비산화형 염모제(Hair Dyes and Colors (All Types Requiring Caution Statements and Patch Tests)); 두발용 제품류 - 헤어컨디셔너,헤어크림(Hair Conditioners); 눈 화장용 제품류 - 아이섀도(Eye Shadows); 매니큐어용 제품류 - 탑코트,네일폴리시 및 네일에나멜(Nail Polish and Enamels); 두발용 제품류 - 헤어토닉,헤어그루밍에이드,포마드,헤어오일(Tonics, Dressings, and Other Hair Grooming Aids); 기초 화장용 제품류 - 기타 기초 화장용 제품류(Face and Neck Preparations (Excluding Shaving Preparations)); 두발용 제품류 - 샴푸(Shampoos (Non-coloring)); 면도용 제품류 - 애프터셰이브로션(Aftershave Lotions); 어린이용 제품류 - 어린이용 샴푸(Baby Shampoos); 목욕용 제품류 - 기타 목욕용 제품류(Bath Preparations, Misc.); 메이크업 제품류 - 기타 메이크업 제품류(Makeup Preparations (Not eye), Misc.); 목욕용 제품류 - 목욕용 오일, 정, 염류(Bath Oils, Tablets, and Salts); 메이크업 제품류 - 파운데이션(Foundations); 어린이용 제품류 - 기타 어린이용 제품류(Baby Products, Misc.); 기초 화장용 제품류 - 마사지크림,기타 기초 화장용 제품류(Skin Care Preparations, Misc.); 기초 화장용 제품류 - 세안용화장품(Cleansing Products (Cold Creams, Cleansing Lotions, Liquids and Pads)); 기초 화장용 제품류 - 유연화장수,영양화장수,영양크림(Moisturizing Preparations); 면도용 제품류 - 셰이빙크림(Shaving Cream (Aerosol, Brushless and Lather)); 눈 화장용 제품류 - 아이라이너(Eyeliners); 기초 화장용 제품류 - 기타 기초 화장용 제품류(Indoor Tanning Preparations); 목욕용 제품류 - 바디클렌저(Bath Soaps and Detergents); 메이크업 제품류 - 볼연지(Blushers (All types)); 기능성화장품 - 자외선차단(Suntan Gels, Creams, and Liquids); 목욕용 제품류 - 목욕용 캅셀(Bath Capsules); 기초 화장용 제품류 - 바디화장품(Body and Hand Preparations (Excluding Shaving Preparations)); 눈 화장용 제품류 - 아이메이크업 리무버(Eye Makeup Removers); 메이크업 제품류 - 페이스파우더(Face Powders); 기초 화장용 제품류 - 영양크림,영양오일(Night Skin Care Preparations); 어린이용 제품류 - 어린이용 로션,어린이용 오일,어린이용 크림(Baby Lotions, Oils, Powders and Creams); 기초 화장용 제품류 - 팩(Paste Masks (Mud Packs)); 목욕용 제품류 - 기타 목욕용 제품류(Personal Cleanliness Products, Misc.); 두발용 제품류 - 기타 두발용 제품류(Hair Preparations (Non-coloring), Misc.); 두발용 제품류 - 헤어스프레이(Hair Sprays (Aerosol Fixatives)); 매니큐어용 제품류 - 기타 매니큐어용 제품류(Manicuring Preparations, Misc.); 눈 화장용 제품류 - 마스카라(Mascara); 의약외품 - 제모제(Depilatories); 눈 화장용 제품류 - 기타 눈화장용 제품류(Eye Makeup Preparations, Misc.); 눈 화장용 제품류 - 아이브라우(Eyebrow Pencils); 염모용 제품류 - 기타 염모용 제품류(Hair Coloring Preparations, Misc.); 두발용 제품류 - 헤어린스(Hair Rinses (Non-coloring)); 두발용 제품류 - 헤어스트레이트너(Hair Straighteners); 기초 화장용 제품류 - 수렴화장수(Skin Fresheners); 기능성화장품 - 자외선차단(Suntan Preparations, Misc.); 방향용 제품류 - 기타 방향용 제품류(Fragrance Preparations, Misc.); 의약외품 - 비산화형 염모제(Hair Lighteners with Color); 면도용 제품류 - 기타 면도용 제품류(Shaving Preparations, Misc.); 매니큐어용 제품류 - 베이스코트 및 언더코트(Basecoats and Undercoats); 목욕용 제품류 - 바블바스(Bubble Baths); 방향용 제품류 - 코롱(Colognes and Toilet Waters); 매니큐어용 제품류 - 기타 매니큐어용 제품류(Cuticle Softeners); 기초 화장용 제품류 - 아이크림(Eye Lotions); 의약외품 - 탈색,탈염제(Hair Bleaches); 메이크업 제품류 - 메이크업베이스(Makeup Bases); 메이크업 제품류 - 메이크업픽서티브(Makeup Fixatives); 매니큐어용 제품류 - 네일크림,네일로션(Nail Creams and Lotions); 매니큐어용 제품류 - 네일폴리시리무버 및 네일에나멜 리무버(Nail Polish and Enamel Removers); 면도용 제품류 - 프리셰이빙로션(Preshave Lotions (All types)); 방향용 제품류 - 기타 방향용 제품류(Deodorants (Underarm)); 기초 화장용 제품류 - 파우더(Powders (Dusting and Talcum, Excluding Aftershave Talcs)); 메이크업 제품류 - 립스틱,립글로서(Rouges); |
관련상표 |
2290 Vege-Plex Hair Complex (VEGE-TECH COMPANY) 2303 Vege-Plex Body Complex (VEGE-TECH COMPANY) 2325 Vege-Plex Body Complex (VEGE-TECH COMPANY) 2525 Vege-Plex Skin Complex (VEGE-TECH COMPANY) Actiphyte of Aloe Vera 10-Fold (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.) Actiphyte of Aloe Vera BG50 (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.) Actiphyte of Aloe Vera GL50 (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.) Actiphyte of Aloe Vera Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.) Actiphyte of Aloe Vera PG50 (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.) Activera 106 Lipo M (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.) Activera 107 Lipo C (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.) Activera 108 Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.) Aloe Butter (BIOCHEMICA INTERNATIONAL(Formerly Biochemicals International, Inc.)) Aloe Extract #101 (FLORIDA FOOD PRODUCTS, INC.) Aloe Extract #102 (FLORIDA FOOD PRODUCTS, INC.) Aloe Extract #103 (FLORIDA FOOD PRODUCTS, INC.) Aloe Extract #104 (FLORIDA FOOD PRODUCTS, INC.) ALOE Extract Vera (ICHIMARU PHARCOS COMPANY, LTD.) Aloe Vera Aqueous Extract Concentrate (TERRY LABORATORIES, INC.) Aloe Vera Extract DS (MARUZEN PHARMACEUTICALS CO., LTD.) Aloe Vera Extract EV (MARUZEN PHARMACEUTICALS CO., LTD.) Aloe Vera Extract JC (MARUZEN PHARMACEUTICALS CO., LTD.) Aloe Vera Extract W-D (MARUZEN PHARMACEUTICALS CO., LTD.) Aloe Vera Gel 1:1 (MEXI ALOE LABORATORIOS, SA DE CV) Aloe Vera Gel Conc. 40:1 (MEXI ALOE LABORATORIOS, SA DE CV) Aloe Vera Gel Concentrate 10:1 (MEXI ALOE LABORATORIOS, SA DE CV) Aloe Vera Gel Freeze Dried Powder 200:1 (MEXI ALOE LABORATORIOS, SA DE CV) Aloe Vera Gel Spray Dried Powder 100:1 (MEXI ALOE LABORATORIOS, SA DE CV) Aloe Vera Milk J (ALBAN MULLER INDUSTRIE) Aloe Vera Oil - Isopropyl Palmitate and Isopropyl Myristate Base AO2WOO5 (ALOESTAR, INC.) Aloe Vera Oil - Mineral Oil Base AO2WOO1 (ALOESTAR, INC.) Aloe Vera oil - Mineral/Coconut Oil Base AO2WOO2 (ALOESTAR, INC.) Aloe Vera Oil - Safflower Oil Base AO2WOO4 (ALOESTAR, INC.) Aloe Vera Oil - Soybean Oil Base AO2WOO3 (ALOESTAR, INC.) Aloe Vera Oil (Extract) (ALOE LABORATORIES, INC.) Aloe Vera Oil 0030X (ALOECORP) Aloe Vera Oil 0040X (ALOECORP) Aloe Vera Oil Extract - Regular Grade AL001 (TERRY LABORATORIES, INC.) Aloe Vera Oil Extract (A0001) (TERRY LABORATORIES, INC.) Bathgranue ALOE VERA (ICHIMARU PHARCOS COMPANY, LTD.) Beta-Vera (BROOKS INDUSTRIES, INC.) Bio antiage WE (ICHIMARU PHARCOS COMPANY, LTD.) Bio antige B (ICHIMARU PHARCOS COMPANY, LTD.) Botanivera 106 (BOTANIGENICS, INC) Botanivera 108 (BOTANIGENICS, INC) Botanivera 109 (BOTANIGENICS, INC) Cremogen Aloe Vera (PN 734 514) (HAARMANN & REIMER) Dermascreen (INDENA SA) Extrapone Aloe Vera 2/B06500 (DRAGOCO, INC.) Extrapone Aloe Vera Milk 2/033890 (DRAGOCO, INC.) Extrapone Babosa 2/386380 (DRAGOCO, INC.) Herbaliquid Aloe Special (CRODAROM S.A.S) Herbasol-Extract Aloe (COSMETOCHEM U.S.A., INC.) Lipoplastidine Aloe (VEVY EUROPE SPA) Novaflor med. Aloe-Echinacea (CRODAROM S.A.S) Phytelene of Aloes Colourless EG 543 (INDENA SA) Phytelene of Aloes EG 273 liquid (INDENA SA) Phytoderm UV Complex Glycolic (UNIVERSAL FLAVORS SRL) Phytogreen 55 of Aloes Colourless EXH 731 Liquid (PHYTOCHIM) Phytogreen 55 of Aloes EXH 652 Liquid (PHYTOCHIM) Phytotec Moisturizer (SEDERMA, INC.) Prodhy Extract Aloes (LABORATOIRES PROd'HYG) Quiditat NwA (ASSESSA-INDUSTRIA) Rovisome H Whitening (ROVI GMBH) Veragel Aqueous Conc 1:10 (PURE WORLD BOTANICALS, INC.) Veragel Lipoid (PURE WORLD BOTANICALS, INC.) Vitaplant CLR water-soluble (CHEMISCHES LABORATORIUM) VT-002 Extract of Aloe (VEGE-TECH COMPANY) Aloe Ext (BIOLAND LTD.) |