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 ▣ 천연물에서 분리된 개별유효성분 레코드 등록정보

성 분 명 

Cytisine ((-)-form)


(-)-1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexahydro-1,5-methano-8H-pyrido[1,2-a][1,5]diazocin-8-one (-)-Baptitoxine (-)- Citisine (-)-Cytiton (-)-Sophorine (-)-Ulexine

함유 천연물 

Sophora arizonica S. Wats.[-]()
Sophora chrysophylla Seem.[-]()
Sophora exigua[-]()
Sophora flavescens Solander ex Aiton[고삼(Go-sam)](고삼(苦蔘),고삼실(苦蔘實),수괴(水槐),지괴(地槐))
Sophora formosa[-]()
Sophora griffithii[-]()
Sophora gysophylla B.L. Turner & Powell[-]()
Sophora japonica L.[회화나무(Hoe-hwa-na-mu)](괴화(槐花),괴각(槐角),괴지(槐枝),괴엽(槐葉),괴각자(槐角子),괴교(槐膠),괴근백피(槐根白皮),괴백피(槐白皮),괴실(槐實),괴윤(槐潤),괴자(槐子),괴자인(槐子仁),괴조(槐條),수궁괴(守宮槐))
Sophora leachiana M.E. Peck[-]()
Sophora longesmen[-]()
Sophora macrocarpa[-]()
Sophora masafeurana[-]()
Sophora microphylla[-]()
Sophora mollis[-]()
Sophora moorcroftiana (Wall.) Benth.ex Bak.[-]()
Sophora muteliana[-]()
Sophora pachycarpa[-]()
Sophora secundiflora (Ortega) Lag.ex DC.[]()
Sophora stenophylla Gray[-]()
Sophora tetraptera[-]()
Sophora tomentosa L.[-]()
Sophora velutina var. zimbabweensis[-]()

분 자 식 


화학족 분류 


분 자 량 


녹 는 점 



Antiinflammatory agent. Shows psychoactive props. Has been used as respiratory stimulant in USSR. Common cause of poisoning of humans and animals by Cytisus laburnum. Toxicity:LD50 in mice (mg/kg): 1.73 i.v.; 9.4 i.p.; 101 orally (Barlow, McLeod).

굴 절 율 

[α]17 D = -119°( H2O)


(CDCl3) δ: 104.9(C1), 138.7(C2), 116.5(C3), 163.6(C4), 49.7(C6), 27.7(C7), 26.2(C8), 35.5(C9), 151.2(C10), 52.9(C11), 53.9(C13)


GCM+= 190, m/z= 160, 148, 147, 146(100), 134, 109, 83, 44, 41


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사이트 정보

회사명 : 코스넷 / 대표 : 전상훈
주소 : 경상북도 예천군 호명면 양지9길 18, 에비뉴시티 211호
사업자 등록번호 : 137-02-38724
전화 : 010-4364-7541 팩스 : 0303-3130-7541
통신판매업신고번호 : 2019-경북예천-0108
개인정보관리책임자 : 전상훈


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