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 ▣ CCID 레코드 등록정보

INCI Name 







잇꽃(It-kkot)[홍화(紅花),홍화자(紅花子)](Carthamus tinctorius L.)

(Other Names) 

Safflower Oil;
Carthamus Tinctorius Oil;
Safflower Seed Oil;

CAS No. 




미CIR 안전성데이터 

◈ Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower) Seed Oil - 안전(Safe)
안전성 최종보고서: JACT 4(5):171-97, 1985 confirmed 02/04
◈ Safflower (Carthamus Tinctorius) Oil - 안전(Safe)
안전성 최종보고서: JACT 4(5):171-97, 1985 confirmed 02/04 Re-review: IJT 25(S2), 2006

등록된 이미지 


Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower) Seed Oil is the oily liquid obtained from the seeds of Carthamus tinctorius. It consists principally of the triglycerides of linoleic acid.
잇꽃 Carthamus tinctorius Linne (Compositae)의 씨에서 얻은 지방유이다.

(Org. Definitions) 



■ Botanicals

In previous editions of the Dictionary, botanical ingredients were identified using two differing conventions. One, preferred by the U.S. FDA, identified the ingredient by common name (where appropriate), or genus and species, and the plant part and type of preparation. The other, accepted in the EU with the publication of its Inventory, used only the genus and species names to identify the botanical ingredient.

To begin harmonizing the botanical nomenclature, the International Nomenclature Committee began assigning genus and species names to all botanicals, and common names were only included in the names proposed for labeling in the U.S., when it was determined that such would assist identification of the ingredient for safety purposes. In addition, a cross reference of common and more specific genus and species names was made available to the dermatology community through CTFA On Call, through the American Contact Dermatitis Society, and to the public through the CTFA Web site at http://www.ctfa.org. At the same time, the European industry began adding the plant part and type of preparation information used in the U.S. to its listing of botanical ingredients for the first update of its Inventory.

Since the first update of the EU Inventory was published by the EU Commission on February 9, 2006, (Commission Decision 2006/257/EC), the editors have removed the genus and species only names for botanicals since the tenth edition of the Dictionary. The number of botanical ingredients in the initial EU Inventory was limited to about 150, and it is hoped that any Member State finding one of these botanicals listed with the additional information, before formal adoption of the first update, will forgo any regulatory action. However, the user is directed to contact his European National Association, or Colipa the European Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Perfumery Association, to ascertain the latest status of the first update of the Inventory, before deciding on the use of the botanical nomenclature provided in this edition.

Note: (EU) must not be used on finished product labels as part of the INCI name.


지방과 오일류(Fats and Oils);


향(Fragrance Ingredients);
스킨-컨디셔닝제-폐색작용(Skin-Conditioning Agents - Occlusive);


메이크업 제품류 - 립스틱(Lipsticks);
기초 화장용 제품류 - 유연화장수,영양화장수,영양크림(Moisturizing Preparations);
기초 화장용 제품류 - 마사지크림,기타 기초 화장용 제품류(Skin Care Preparations, Misc.);
목욕용 제품류 - 기타 목욕용 제품류(Bath Preparations, Misc.);
기초 화장용 제품류 - 바디화장품(Body and Hand Preparations (Excluding Shaving Preparations));
두발용 제품류 - 헤어컨디셔너,헤어크림(Hair Conditioners);
메이크업 제품류 - 메이크업베이스(Makeup Bases);
메이크업 제품류 - 파운데이션(Foundations);
두발용 제품류 - 헤어토닉,헤어그루밍에이드,포마드,헤어오일(Tonics, Dressings, and Other Hair Grooming Aids);
눈 화장용 제품류 - 아이브라우(Eyebrow Pencils);
기능성화장품 - 자외선차단(Suntan Gels, Creams, and Liquids);
눈 화장용 제품류 - 기타 눈화장용 제품류(Eye Makeup Preparations, Misc.);
기초 화장용 제품류 - 영양크림,영양오일(Night Skin Care Preparations);
두발용 제품류 - 샴푸(Shampoos (Non-coloring));
목욕용 제품류 - 목욕용 캅셀(Bath Capsules);
기초 화장용 제품류 - 세안용화장품(Cleansing Products (Cold Creams, Cleansing Lotions, Liquids and Pads));
기초 화장용 제품류 - 기타 기초 화장용 제품류(Face and Neck Preparations (Excluding Shaving Preparations));
목욕용 제품류 - 목욕용 오일, 정, 염류(Bath Oils, Tablets, and Salts);
두발용 제품류 - 헤어스프레이(Hair Sprays (Aerosol Fixatives));
기초 화장용 제품류 - 팩(Paste Masks (Mud Packs));
염모용 제품류 - 기타 염모용 제품류(Hair Coloring Preparations, Misc.);
메이크업 제품류 - 기타 메이크업 제품류(Makeup Preparations (Not eye), Misc.);
매니큐어용 제품류 - 기타 매니큐어용 제품류(Cuticle Softeners);
방향용 제품류 - 기타 방향용 제품류(Fragrance Preparations, Misc.);
두발용 제품류 - 기타 두발용 제품류(Hair Preparations (Non-coloring), Misc.);
두발용 제품류 - 헤어린스(Hair Rinses (Non-coloring));
기초 화장용 제품류 - 기타 기초 화장용 제품류(Indoor Tanning Preparations);
매니큐어용 제품류 - 네일크림,네일로션(Nail Creams and Lotions);
메이크업 제품류 - 립스틱,립글로서(Rouges);
기초 화장용 제품류 - 수렴화장수(Skin Fresheners);


Actiphyte Algae Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Black Currant Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Cats Claw Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Cypress Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Fo-Ti Root Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Freesia Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Grape Seed Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Indian Hemp Root Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Jojoba Meal Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Melaleuca Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Mugwort Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Mulberry Bark Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Myrtle Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Neem Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Acacia Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Agrimony Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Alfalfa Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Alkanet Root Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Almond Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Aloe Vera Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Angelica Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Anise Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Apple Leaves Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Apple Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Apricot Kernel Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Apricot Leaves Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Apricot Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Arbutus Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Arnica Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Arrowroot Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Asparagus Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Astragalus Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Avocado Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Balm Mint Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Balm of Gilead Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Balsam Canada Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Bamboo Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Banana Leaves Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Banana Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Barley Malt Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Basil Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Bay Laurel Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Bayberry Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Bee Balm Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Bee Pollen Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Benzoin Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Bergamot Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Bilberry Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Birch Bark Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Birch Leaves Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Bistort Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Black Henna Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Black Indian Hemp Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Black Pepper Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Black Snakeroot Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Black Walnut Hull Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Black Walnut Leaves Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Blackberry Leaves Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Blackberry Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Bladderwrack Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Bloodroot Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Blue Flag Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Blue Malva Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Blueberry Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Borage Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Bougainvillea Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Brown Mustard Seed Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Buckthorn Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Burdock Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Butcher's Broom Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Cactus Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Calendula Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Capsicum Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Caraway Seed Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Carrot Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Carrot Seed Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Cassia Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Catnip Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Cedar Wood Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Celery Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Centaury Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Chamomile Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Chaparral Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Cherimoya Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Chickweed Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Chrysanthemum Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Cinnamon Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Clary Sage Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Cleavers Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Clemantine Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Clove Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Coconut Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Coffee Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Coltsfoot Leaf Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Comfrey Leaf Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Comfrey Root Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Condurango Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Coneflower Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Coriander Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Cornflower Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Cranberry Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Cucumber Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Cypress Cone Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Dandelion Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Date Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Devil's Claw Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Dill Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Dong Quai Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Eggplant Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Elderberry Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Elderflower Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Elecampane Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of English Cucumber Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Ephedra Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Eucalyptus Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Evening Primrose Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Eyebright Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Fennel Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Fenugreek Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Feverfew Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Fig Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Fir Needle Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Flaxseed Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Fo-Ti-Tieng Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Frankincense Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Fumitory Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Gardenia Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Garlic Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Gentian Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Geranium Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Ginger Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Ginkgo Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Ginseng Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Goldenseal Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Gotu Kola Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Grapefruit Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Grapefruit Peel Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Grapefruit Seed Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Grapes Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Grindelia Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Ground Ivy Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Guarana Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Guava Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Hawaiian White Ginger Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Hawthorn Berry Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Hazel Nut Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Heather Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Hibiscus Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Honeydew Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Honeysuckle Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Hops Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Horehound Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Horse Chestnut Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Horseradish Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Horsetail Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Hyssop Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Iceland Moss Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Impatiens Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Irish Moss Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Italian Olive Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Ivy Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Jaborandi Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Jasmine Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Juniper Berry Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Kangaroo Paw Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Kava Kava Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Kiwi Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Kola Nut Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lady's Mantle Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lady's Slipper Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lavender Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lemon Bioflavonoids Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lemon Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lemon Peel Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lemon Verbena Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lemongrass Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lettuce Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lichen Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Licorice Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Ligusticum Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lime Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lime Peel Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Linden Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lotus Blossom Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lovage Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lungwort Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Lupine Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Macadamia Nut Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Magnolia Bark Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Maidenhair Fern Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Mandarin Orange Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Mango Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Marjoram Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Marsh Mallow Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Meadowsweet Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Mexican Tea Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Milk Vetch S50 (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Millet Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Mimosa Leaf Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Mistletoe Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Moonflower Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Mullein Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Mushroom Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Myrrh Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Nettle Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Neutral Henna Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Norway Spruce Cone Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Nutmeg Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Oak Bark Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Oat Flour Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Oat Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Oatmeal Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Olive Leaf Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Onion Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Orange Bioflavonoids Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Orange Blossom Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Orange Flower Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Orange Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Orange Peel Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Orris Root Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Pansy Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Papaya Leaves Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Papaya Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Parsley Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Passion Fruit Hull Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Passion Fruit Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Passionflower Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Patchouli Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Peach Leaves Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Peach Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Pellitory Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Pennyroyal Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Peony Flower Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Peony Root Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Peppermint Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Persimmon Leaf Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Perwinkle Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Pichi Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Pine Bark Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Pine Cone Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Pineapple Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Plantain Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Poke Root Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Polygoni Multiflori Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Pomegranate Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Poplar Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Poppy Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Prickly Ash Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Prune Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Psoralea Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Pyrethrum Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Queen of the Meadow Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Quince Seed Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Quinoa Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Raspberry Leaves Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Raspberry Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Red Beet Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Red Clover Blossom Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Red Henna Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Red Root Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Red Sandalwood Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Rehmannia Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Rest Harrow Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Rhatany Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Rhododendron Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Rhubarb Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Rhubarb Stalks Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Rice Bran Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Roman Chamomile Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Rose Geranium Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Rose Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Rosehips Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Rosemary Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Saffron Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Sage Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Sandalwood Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Sanguinaria Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Sarsaparilla Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Sassafras Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Schizandra Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Sea Kelp Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Senega Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Sesame Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Sheep's Sorrel Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Siberian Ginseng Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Skullcap Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Slippery Elm Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Snakeroot Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Soap Bark Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Soapwort Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Solomon's Seal Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Southernwood Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Spanish Moss Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Spearmint Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Spinach Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Spirulina Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Spruce Cone Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of St. John's Wort Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Star of Bethlehem Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Strawberry Leaves Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Strawberry Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Sugar Beet Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Suma Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Sumac Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Sunflower Petal Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Sunflower Seed Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Sweet Flag Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Tang Kuei Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Tangerine Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Tangerine Peel Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Tansy Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Taro Root Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Tea Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Tea, Black Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Tea, Green Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Tea, Oolong Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Thistle Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Thyme Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Tobacco Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Tomato Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Valerian Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Vanilla Cactus Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Vanilla Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Violet Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Water Chestnut Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Watercress Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Watermelon S50 (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Wheat Germ Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Wheat Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of White Balsam Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of White Lily Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of White Mustard Seed Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of White Nettle Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of White Pond Lily Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Wild Carrot Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Wild Cherry Bark Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Wild Cherry Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Wild Yam Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Willow Bark Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Wintergreen Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Witch Hazel Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Yarrow Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Yellow Dock Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Yerba Santa Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte of Yucca Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Orchid Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Peach Kernel Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Plankton Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Poppy Seed Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Royal Jelly Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Sacred Lotus Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Saw Palmetto Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Siberian Ginseng Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Soybean Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyte Stone Root Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Actiphyteof Celandine Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Activera 108 Lipo S (ACTIVE ORGANICS, INC.)
Aloe Vera Oil - Safflower Oil Base AO2WOO4 (ALOESTAR, INC.)
Aloe Vera Oil 0040X (ALOECORP)
Avocado Oil Cosmetic Blend (HENRY LAMOTTE GMBH)
Botanivera 108 (BOTANIGENICS, INC)
Cropure Safflower (CRODA, INC.)
High oleic Safflower oil(RBD), Primier (PREMIER SPECIALTIES INC.)
Huile de Carthame Vierge (S.A. MICHEL BERTIN)
Melange huileux a base de the vert (S.A. MICHEL BERTIN)
Nikkol Safflower Oil (NIKKO CHEMICALS CO., LTD.)
Safflower Oil - High Oleic (DESERT WHALE JOJOBA CO., INC.)
Vitamin Extract AEF, Oil Soluble (CRODAROM S.A.S)
Vitaminextract VC, Oil Soluble (CRODAROM S.A.S)
High Oleic Safflower (MOUNTERRA,Inc.)


Genistein Lotion (여성용로션/전상훈)



사이트 정보

회사명 : 코스넷 / 대표 : 전상훈
주소 : 경상북도 예천군 호명면 양지9길 18, 에비뉴시티 211호
사업자 등록번호 : 137-02-38724
전화 : 010-4364-7541 팩스 : 0303-3130-7541
통신판매업신고번호 : 2019-경북예천-0108
개인정보관리책임자 : 전상훈


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